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Regions of Scotland

There are 15 regions in Scotland

Featured Region: Ayrshire

Ayrshire is found on the shores of the Firth of Clyde and the main towns in the region are Ayr, Kilmarnock and Irvine. With such outstanding natural beauty, every trip itinerary to Ayrshire should include golfing, kayaking and rock climbing. Read More...

Ayrshire Quiz

Try our eight different Ayrshire Quiz, how much do you know about this region?


Featured Article: Scottish Genealogy

Only around five million people live in Scotland. If you learn that around 4.8 Million Americans claim to have a Scottish ancestry, and that there are plenty of other countries who have people with a Scottish ancestry, then you might come to believe that there are more people with Scottish blood outside of Scotland than inside it! Read More...

Travel to Scotland

We are delighted to offer you all the information you need to find out how to get to and move around Scotland