Jackie (God is gracious)
Jackson (God is gracious)
Jacky (God is gracious)
Jaime (Supplanter)
Jamie (Supplanter)
Jamieson (Supplanter)
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Janneth (God is gracious)
Jock (God is gracious)
Johnson (Son of John)
Johnston (From John's farm)
Kade (From the wetlands)
Kai (Fire)
Kam (Bent nose)
Kamden (From the winding valley)
Kameron (Bent nose)
Kamron (Bent nose)
Kay (Fire)
Keith (From the battlefield)
Ken (Born of fire)
Kendrew (Manly, Valiant, Courageous)
Kendric (Royal chieftain)
Kendrick (Royal chieftain)
Kendrik (Royal chieftain)
Kendrix (Royal chieftain)
Kenn (Born of fire)
Kennan (Royal obligation, Good-looking, Fair)
Kennedy (Ugly head)
Kennet (Born of fire)
Kenneth (Born of fire)
Kenney (Born of fire)
Kennon (Royal obligation, Good-looking, Fair)
Kenny (Born of fire)
Kenrick (Royal chieftain)
Kenrik (Royal chieftain)
Kenzie (Fair)
Kerk (From the church)
Kermichil (From Michael's fortress)
Kerr (Man of strength)
Kevin (Born of fire)
Kin (From the top of the cliff)
Kinney (Royal obligation, Good-looking, Fair)
Kinnon (Fair born)
Kinny (From the top of the cliff)
Kirk (From the church)
Kirkland (Church)
Kirklin (Church)
Kirklyn (Church)
Kyrk (Church)
Kyrksen (Church)
Lachlan (From the land of lakes)
Laine (Serves John)
Laird (Lord)
Lamond (Clan name)
Lamont (Man of law)
Laochailan (Waning)
Laren (Serves Lawrence)
Laurence (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)
Lean (Serves John)
Leane (Serves John)
Leathan (River)
Leith (River)
Len (Amid the lems, From the field of elm trees)
Lenix (Amid the lems, From the field of elm trees)
Lennie (Amid the lems, From the field of elm trees)
Lennox (Amid the lems, From the field of elm trees)
Lenny (Amid the lems, From the field of elm trees)
Lenox (Amid the lems, From the field of elm trees)
Leod (Ugly)
Leslie (From Leslie)
Lindsay (From the island of the lime tree)
Livingstone (From Livingston)
Logan (Little hollow)
Logen (Low meadow)
Lorne (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)
Lornell (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)
Lundie (From the island grove)
Lundy (From the island grove)
Luthais (Famous warrior)
Lyall (Loyal)
Lydell (Surname)
Lyel (Loyal)
Mac (Diminutive of names beginning with Mac..)
MacAdhamh (Son of Adam)
MacAlister (Son of Alasdair)
MacAlpin (Son of Alpine)
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MacAlpine (Son of Alpine)
MacAndrew (Son of Andrew)
MacArthur (Son of Arthur)
MacAulay (Son of Olaf)
MacAuslan (Son of Absalon)
MacBain (Son of Beathan)
MacBean (Son of Beathan)
MacBeth (Son of Beth)
MacCallum (Son of Callum)
MacClennan (Son of Finnian's servant)
MacColl (Son of Coll)
MacDaibhidh (David's son)
MacDhuBh (Son of the blackman)
MacDomhnall (Son of the world's ruler)
MacDonald (Son of the world's ruler)
MacDonell (Son of the world's ruler)
MacDougal (Son of Dougal)
MacDoughall (Son of Dougal)
MacDubhgall (Son of Dougal)
MacDuff (Son of the blackman)
MacEwen (Son of Ewen)
MacFarlane (Son of Farlan)
MacFie (Son of the dark of peace)
MacGillivray (Son of the servant of judgment)
MacGowan (Son of the smith)
MacGregor (Son of a shepherd)
Machair (Plain)
Machar (Plain)
MacInnes (Son of the unique choice)
MacIntosh (Son of the thane)
MacIver (Son of an archer)
Mack (Son of Flann)
MacKay (Son of fire)
MacKendrick (Son of Henry)
MacKenzie (Fair, Favored one, Son of the fair man, Son of Kenzie)
MacKinley (Son of Kinley)
MacKinnon (Son of the fair born)
MackIntosh (Son of the thane)
MacLachlan (Son of Lachlan)
MacLaine (Son of the servant of John)
MacLaren (Son of Laren)
MacLean (Son of the servant of John)
MacLeod (Son of the ugly man)
MacMillan (Son of the ba!d man)
MacNab (Son of the Abbot)
MacNachtan (Son of the pure one)
MacNaughton (Son of the pure one)
MacNeill (Son of the champion)
MacNiall (Son of the champion)
MacNicol (Son of the conquering people)
MacPherson (Son of the parson)
MacQuarrie (Son of the proud)
MacQueen (Son of the good man)
MacRae (Son of grace)
MacRay (Son of grace)
Madntyre (Son of the carpenter)
MaeAdam (Son of Adam)
Makolm (Follower of Saint Columba)
Mal (Disciple of Saint Columbia)
Malcolm (St. Columb's disciple)
Malcom (St. Columb's disciple)
Maolmuire (Dark skinned)
Marcas (Of Mars, The god of war)
Math (Bear)
Mathe (Bear)
Matheson (Bear's son)
Maxwell (Mack's well)
McCloud (Son of the ugly man)
Mealcoluim (Follower of Saint Columba)
Menzies (From Mesniers)
Micheal (Like God)
Mitch (Like God)
Mitchel (Like God)
Mitchell (Like God)
Moncreiffe (From the hill of the sacred bough)
Monro (Wheelwright)
Monroe (From the river's mouth)
Montgomery (Mountain)
Morogh (Man of the sea)
Morrison (Son of the servant of Mary)
Mufidy (Man of the sea)
Muir (From the moors)
Muirfinn (DweIls near the beautiful sea)
Munro (From Ro)
Munroe (From Ro)
Murdoc (Protector of the sea)
Murdoch (Protector of the sea)
Murdock (Protector of the sea)
Murray (From the sea)
Murtagh (Protector of the sea)
Nab (Abbot)
Nachton (Pure)
Nairne (From the narrow river glade)
Nathair (Snake)
Nathrach (Snake)
Nathraichean (Snake)
Naughton (Pure)
Neakail (People's victory)
Nechtan (Pure)
Neilan (Champion)
Neill (Champion)
Ness (From the headland)
Niall (Champion)
Nicol (People's victory)
Norris (From the north)
Norval (From the north valley)
Ogilhinn (From the high peak)
Ogilvie (From the high peak)
Ogilvy (From the high peak)
Oidhche (Night)
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Oliphant (Great strength)
Paden (Royal)
Padruig (Royal)
Parlan (Farmer)
Paton (Royal)
Payton (Royal)
Peyton (Royal)
Pherson (Parson)
Quany (Proud)
Quarrie (Proud)
Quinn (Surname)
Rae (Grace)
Ramsay (Ram's island)
Ramsey (From Ramsey)
Ramzey (Ram's island)
Ramzi (Ram's island)
Ranald (Powerful, Rules with counsel)
Ray (Grace)
Reade (Red haired)
Redd (Red haired)
Reed (Red haired)
Reid (Red haired)
Rob Roy (Red Rob)
Robert (Bright, Famous)
Robertson (Son of Robert)
Rodric (Famous ruler)
Rodrick (Famous ruler)
Ronald (Powerful, Rules with counsel)
Ros (From the peninsula)
Rose (Rose)
Ross (From the peninsula)
Rossano (From the peninsula)
Rossiter (Red)
Rosston (Red)
Roswald (From the peninsula)
Roth (Red)
Roy (Red)
Royal (Red)
Royall (Red)
Sandy (Protector of mankind)
ScIymgeour (Fighter)
Scot (Wanderer)
Scott (Wanderer)
Scottie (From Scotland; a Gael. Diminutive of Scott.)
Scotty (From Scotland; a Gael. Diminutive of Scott.)
Shaw (Terse)
Shawe (Terse)
Sheiling (From the summer pasture)
Sim (Listener)
Sinclair (From Saint Clair sur Elle)
Skene (From Skene)
Sloan (Warrior)
Stewart (Keeper of the estate)
Struan (Stream)
Stuart (Clan names of the royal house of Scotland)
Sutherland (From Sutherland)
Tamnais (Twin)
Tamsin (Twin)
Tav (Twin)
Taveon (Twin)
Tavey (Twin)
Tavin (Twin)
Tavio (Twin)
Tavion (Twin)
Tavis (Twin)
Tavish (Twin)
Tavon (Twin)
Tearlach (Strong)
Tevin (Twin)
Tevis (Twin)
Thane (Anglo-Saxon and Scottish feudal lords' title)
Todd (Fox)
Tor (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Toran (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torean (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Toren (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torence (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torey (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torin (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torion (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torran (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torrance (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torrence (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torrey (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torrian (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torrie (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Torry (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Tory (From the rocky hills, Watchtower)
Tyree (Scandinavian god of battle)
Urquhart (From the fount on the knoll)
Wallace (Welshman, Stranger)